This remedy plays an important role on the uterus, serous and fibrous membranes and gout. Other conditions are violent movements, pain from the sacrum to the pubis, likeliness for miscarriages and hemorrhages.

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Product Details

This remedy is especially suitable for females with a special action on the uterus with profuse menses and tendency to miscarriages. It also acts upon the serous and fibrous membranes and is indicated in gouty complaints.

Head: Dizziness with suppressed menses and bursting headache of sudden onset and rush of blood to head and face. Pain in the teeth when chewing along with drawing pains in masseter muscles.

Urine: Inflammation of urinary tract with burning and throbbing pains in region of kidneys, bloody urine and tenesmus.

Male: Inflammatory of the genital tract with pus-like discharges. Genital warts. Soreness and burning pain in glans, and the prepuce with difficulty in retracting.

Female: Menses bright and profuse with uterine pains which extend into the thighs. Intermittent flow between the periods with increased sexual desire. Burning, acrid and offensive leucorrhea after menses. Complaints like tendency to abortion and retained placenta with severe after-pains. Heavy bleeding and inflammation of ovaries and uterus after abortion. This reedy helps in expulsion of moles from uterus. Sharp pains from sacrum to pubis, and from below upwards shooting up the vagina. Weakness and loss of tonicity of uterus.

Back: Paralytic pains between the sacrum and pubis, between the shoulders and from one bone to another and small of back.

Extremities: Gouty nodes with arthritic pain in joints. Pains in anterior portion of thighs, shooting pain in heels and metatarsal bones. Joint pains with red, shining swelling of joints.

Skin: Warts with intolerable itching and burning. Granulations and black pores of the skin.

Modalities: Worse from least motion, heat, warm air. Better in cool fresh air.

Other symptoms are also found in:

  • Mind
  • Stomach
  • Abdomen
  • Rectum

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