Head heavy always. Confused all the time. Drawing and darting pain in head. Severe drawing in head with fullness motion. Sensation as if water were undulating in it.
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Product Details
Mind: Dread of undefined danger. Depressed all the time. Mental exertion.
Head: Head heavy always. Confused all the time. Drawing and darting pain in head. Severe drawing in head with fullness motion. Sensation as if water were undulating in it.
Face: Face flushed and broken out in blotches. Face looks ill.
Mouth: Mouth parched and dry. Desire for drink always.
Throat: Pharynx and larynx felt dry and swollen with impeding free respiration.
Urinary Organs: Frequent urination. Urine albuminous. Pressure in kidney region, followed by profuse flow of clear urine.
Respiratory Organs: Breathing laboured, asthmatic with wheezing. Had to sit up in bed to get breath.
Chest: Palpitation. Aroused from sleep by a terrible constriction of chest and heart, had to jump out of bed to get breath; could not lie down for fear of choking. Heaviness and constriction in chest, as from a heavy load.
Heart: Constriction of chest and heart; must jump out of bed, lying down choking. Heart labours heavily. Pulse rise to 100, but became normal at end of perspiration. Sharp pain in heart with palpitation, at times visible through the clothes.
Back: Pain in lumbar region. Back felt sprained.
Limbs: Sharp and darting rheumatic pains in hands and feet.
Generalities: Symptoms worse by sweat.
Fever: Sweat become profuse, which gradually worse all other symptoms. Head perspired less than rest of body.