Sanguinaria Canadensis CH is indicated in cases of chronic headache and chronic infections of the respiratory tract and climacteric complaints in females.

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Product Details

Sanguinaria Canadensis CH is indicated in cases of chronic headache and chronic infections of the respiratory tract and climacteric complaints in females. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians.

It is a right-sided remedy and is indicated in chronic headache and chronic infections of the respiratory tract and climacteric complaints in females.

Head: Pain especially right sided from exposure to heat of sun with marked periodicity. Dull, sick headache where pain begins in the occiput, spreads upwardsand extend over the eyes, especially on the right side with distended veins at the temples. Headache better by lying down and sleep. climacteric headaches which returns every seventh day.

Face: Hot and flushed face with neuralgic pains extending in all directions from the upper jaw. Redness and burning of cheeks with tenderness behind the angle of jaws.

Nose: Symptoms of Hay-fever with frequent sneezing and runny nose. Chronic infection of nasal mucosa with profuse, offensive yellowish discharges. Chronic inflammation of nasal mucosa with coryza and nasal polypi. Coryza followed by diarrhea.

Throat: Congestion of throat with swelling of tonsils worse on right side. Dryness of throat with constricted feeling. Dry mouth and pharynx with ulcers and scalded tongue.

Respiratory: Swelling and oedema of the larynx with soreness of the trachea. Loss of voice or hoarseness. Cough with burning pain in the chest and of gastric origin which is better by eructation. Thick tough, rust-colored and offensive sputum which is difficult to expel. Cough from tickling sensation behind the sternum worse from cold. Soreness in right chest and under right nipple extending to right shoulder. Fetid breath and purulent expectoration with severe dyspnea.

Modalities: Worse from sweets, right side, motion and touch. Better from acids, sleep and darkness.

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