Daphne indica is an effective homeopathic that helps in de-addiction. It is especially useful in tobacco de-addiction and its associated symptoms such as anxiety, restlessness and irritability. It is a safe and gentle alternative to help addicts get rid of their deadly addictions and hence daphne indica how it works is by helping control the withdrawal symptoms.

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Product Details

Daphne indica is an effective homeopathic that helps in de-addiction. It is especially useful in tobacco de-addiction and its associated symptoms such as anxiety, restlessness and irritability. It is a safe and gentle alternative to help addicts get rid of their deadly addictions and hence daphne indica how it works is by helping control the withdrawal symptoms.  

What is Daphne indica? 

Daphne indica is made from the tincture of fresh bark of sweet scented spurge laurel. It is a specific remedy to get rid of the habit of tobacco. Its symptoms include erratic pains that feel like electric sparks in the body. There is a constant sensation as if the head were separate from the body with severe craving for tobacco. Another constant symptom is a fetid and offensive breath accompanying almost all complaints. It is also useful in cases where urine and sweat are excreted with an offensive odor. It helps counter complaints of de-addiction such as irritability, difficulty in concentration, frustration, impatience and stress. There are lightning like jerks felt in the body. Sleep is disturbed causing even greater irritability and lethargy. 

What are the main spheres of action of this remedy? 

Daphne indica uses include the following: 

  • Head: Pain in the head as if it would burst. Head feels separate from the body. Severe paid with heaviness and drowsiness. Unable to concentrate. Easily irritated and snappy in nature. Head feels hot especially at the vertex. Heaviness above the eyes making it difficult to open them. Unable to do work at their regular speed. Excessive fatigue without doing much. Trembling and indecision remains as a constant state of the mind. Headache caused by least mental work. Head feels too thick. Shooting pains in the temples.  Head feels compressed against the skull. Fullness. Pulsation in temples extending till the gums, very sensitive to touch. Shooting pains in the head. 

  •  Eyes: Heaviness around the eyes. Unable to open them fully. Eyelids feel droopy and heavy. As if unable to get a good night’s sleep. Dryness of eyelids. Pain in eyes worse in the evening. Weakness of vision. Unable to concentrate on letters while reading. 

  • Ears: Sensation of buzzing and roaring in the ears. 

  • Respiratory: Fetid breath with faint voice. Unable to make an effort to speak loudly. Increased expectoration of a watery consistency. Cough with vomiting. Cough worse at night preventing sleep. 

  • Digestive: Pain in teeth and gums of a throbbing nature as if extending to and fro from the temples. Toothache accompanied by shivering and excessive sweating. Sour vomits with nausea especially after breakfast. Cramps in the abdomen. Excessive acidity after each meal making digestion difficult and causing heart burn and sour eructation.  Severe constipation, unable to pass stool without consuming tobacco. 

  • Circulatory: Palpitations and nervousness with anxiety. Cannot lie down on the left side. Pain in the chest with sensation of suffocation at night. Blood vessels feel stiff. 

  • Urinary: Incontinence of urine. Urine offensive and fetid smells like rotten eggs. Pain in urethra when passing urine. Red sediment accompanies urine. 

  • Extremities: Pain in the neck with severe headache. Pain from ear extending towards the shoulders.Sensation of suffocation in the neck and throat. Itching in arms and hands. Pain in extremities as if arising from deep within the bones. 

  • Sleep:  Insomnia from pain in the extremities. Wants to sleep but is unable to do so. Nightmares of fire and black cats. Never feels refreshed after sleep. 

What Dosage is to be taken of Daphne indica? 

Unless otherwise recommended by your physician, tablets are to be taken twice a day. Dose can be reduced as symptoms improve. Daphne indica mother tincture can also be taken if symptoms are very severe. They are to be taken as few drops in half a cup of water. 

No, it does not have any known side effects or complications but if you suffer from any chronic health issues then it is best to consult your physician before taking this remedy.

To conclude, Daphne indica is a useful remedy for de-addiction as it counters all the symptoms of withdrawal. It is useful in symptoms accompanied by shooting pains from one part of the body to another. It is also of use in cases which are worse from cold air and from the consumption of brandy. It is not only a good remedy for de-addiction but also for joint pains and arthritis. Its symptoms are mostly on the left side of the body or are more severe on this side. Complaints are worse in fresh air, when the moon is in its waning phase, in the early morning or late evening and especially when in bed. There is great lassitude and weakness with a strong desire to just lie down all the time as the exhaustion seems never ending and unbearable. 

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