It is a violent remedy and the person is very sensitive to what is said about them. There is severe headache that becomes better by yawning. Head feels heavy as if a ball of lead were kept in it. It is a highly useful remedy for recurrent styes and chalazions.
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Product Details
It is a violent remedy and the person is very sensitive to what is said about them. There is severe headache that becomes better by yawning. Head feels heavy as if a ball of lead were kept in it. It is a highly useful remedy for recurrent styes and chalazions. Teeth appear black and crumbling and there is a craving for tobacco. It is an excellent remedy for pains after abdominal operations. The urinary complaints are accompanied by a peculiar sensation of a drop of urine always rolling around in the urethra. It is also suitable for women in cases of honeymoon pyelitis.
This remedy is useful in cases of nervous affections, diseases of the genito-urinary tract and skin, teeth and alveolar periosteum, laceration of tissues and sphincters.
Eyes: Recurrent styes, chalazion and iritis. Sunken eyes with pale face and blue rings below the eyes. Heat of the eyes and itching of the margin of eyelids. Angles of eye especially the inner angles are affected. Corneal lacerations and wounds.
Male: Constant dwelling on sexual subjects with sunken features, guilty expression from self abuse, frequent emissions with backache and weakness and sexual neurasthenia. Breathlessness after coition.
Female: Very sensitive parts with irritable bladder in young married women. Uterine prolapse with sinking in the abdomen and aching around the hips.
Urinary: Inflammation and dropsical swelling of the urinary bladder especially lying-in women. InfIammation of urethra and bladder, with ineffectual urging to urinate in newly married women. Unsatisfied emptying of bladder with burning in urethra during micturition. Affections of prostate glands in males with frequent urination and constant burning in urethra.
Skin: Dry scaly eczematous eruptions on head, ears, face, and body with thick scabs and violent itching. Fleshy, pedunculated fig warts, arthritic nodes with inflammation of phalanges.
Modalities: Worse from anger, indignation, grief, mortification, loss of fluids, sexual excess, tobacco and least touch on affected parts. Better after breakfast, warmth and rest at night.