Stramonium CH is mainly indicated in cases of nervous and brain affections. It is useful in treating cases of Parkinsonism, delirium tremens, strabismus, stammering speech, violent convulsions, bipolar disorders, sexual erethism, metrorrhagia, etc.

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Product Details

Stramonium CH is mainly indicated in cases of nervous and brain affections. It is useful in treating cases of Parkinsonism, delirium tremens, strabismus, stammering speech, violent convulsions, bipolar disorders, sexual erethism, metrorrhagia, etc. Depending upon the individualization of case, it is also used for other problems by homoeopathic physicians.

The main sphere of action of this remedy is on the brain and to a least extent, the skin and throat.

Mind: Excessive talking, laughing, singing, swearing, praying and rhyming. Visions of ghosts, hears voices and talks with spirits. Sudden changes in the moods from happiness to sadness. Lewd, violent, delusional and confused about his identity and body. Constant desire to pray and preach with religious mania.

Head: Congestion of head with pain in the forehead and over eyebrows. Hallucinations of hearing voices and he constantly turns and raises the head while lying down. Hazy vision with tendency to fall.

Eyes: Prominent, staring and wide open eyes with dilated pupils. Defective vision where the person complains of darkness and calls for light, small objects seems to appear large, parts of the body seem big and swollen and all the objects look black.

Face: Circumscribed redness of cheeks with rush of blood and heat of the face. Features distorted with expression of terror and pale face.

Mouth: Dryness of mouth with dribbling of thick saliva and aversion to water. Stammering speech and spasmodic wide grinning. Difficulty in swallowing due to spasms.

Extremities: Involuntary movements of extremities with graceful, rhythmic motions. Spasmodic convulsions of upper limbs and isolated groups of muscles. Severe sharp pain in the left hip. Sudden and constantly shifting spasms with trembling and twitching of tendons causing staggering gait.

Modalities: Worse in dark room, when alone, looking at bright or shining objects, after sleep and on swallowing. Better from bright light, company and warmth.

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