Morose. Forgetful always. Slow perception. Confusion. Mental fag. Idiotic person. Silly talk. Feels as if someone was coming to arrest him or murder him.

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Product Details

Mind: Morose. Forgetful always. Slow perception. Confusion. Mental fag. Idiotic person. Silly talk. Feels as if someone was coming to arrest him or murder him. Very despondent person. Indifferent between two persons.

Head: Headache worse on opening eyes. Excessive vertigo with copious sweat. Sudden pain as if struck by a hammer worse while passing urine. Tight feeling as from a band. Periodical sick headaches.

Nose: Secretion increased in nose.

Throat: Violent constriction of throat with angina pectoris.

Abdomen: Habitual constipation. Pressure in liver region as from a heavy body. Sinking feeling in upper abdomen with dreadful faint sense. Retraction of navel with abdominal muscles contracted.

Urinary: Paralysis of sphincters with urine dribbles. Renal colic with cold sweat.

Male: Impotency. Hyperaesthesia and neuralgia of penis.

Respiratory: Violent constriction of chest. Cough dry, teasing, must take a swallow of cold water followed by hiccough, or with hiccough.

Neck and Back: Stiffness of neck. Head drawn back in convulsions. Emaciation of the muscles of back. Pain in the small of back worse lying and better while walking. Heat down spine.

Extremities: Cramps in single fingers worse due to washing. Legs and hands icy cold.

Sleep: Sleeplessness with dilated heart. Stupefying sleep at night.

Fever: Heat down spine of one cheek internally. Sudden cold sweats with chill. Icy cold skin.

Skin: Itching all over the body due to flea bites.

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