Unable to fix attention on any work. Nervous person. Confused all the time. Mind fatigued after every mental exertion.

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Mind: Unable to fix attention on any work. Nervous person. Confused all the time. Mind fatigued after every mental exertion. Indifference between everyone. It seemed next instant my reason would leave me. Uttered a shriek and fell senseless to the floor.

Head: Headache present at occipital and frontal regions associated with backache and pains in limbs also. Dizziness. Weariness in head. Strange feeling and pressure in head amounting to pain. Dull and frontal headache with cutting in temples.

Eyes: Lids agglutinated in morning. Dull aching pain in eyeballs. Sclerotic congested, dark purple glassy looking associated with swollen so that cornea appeared sunk.

Ears: Sensation as if something closed ears very suddenly. Stitches in internal ears. Roaring and ringing sound in ears. He gets fear of his own sound.

Nose: Dryness of nostrils. Profuse secretion of mucus in nose with much inflammation.

Stomach: Nausea and vomiting occurs. Faint and sick at stomach. Severe thirst occurs. Constant eructation occurs with food taste like oil. Eructation of sour air at night.

Abdomen: Bowels feel as if full of fluid from taking a cathartic. Frequent spells of sharp, cutting, colicky pains worse at night especially after midnight. Pain in left side extending from ribs to hip. Dull pains at right upper part of abdomen with sharp pain in left side of abdomen. Sharp sticking pains in umbilical region especially at 4 a.m.

Stool: Constipated stool. Soft occurs after colic pain with too loose stool, with feeling he would have more stool in rectum.

Urinary Organs: Constant desire to pass urine. Marked and increased urea in urine. Must rise in night to urinate most of time. Urine will be suppressed and then profuse flow. Urine very fetid with high coloured. Urine smells drug.

Female Sexual Organs: Abortion in early months of pregnancy. Brought back menses after suppression of several days not naturally but very profusely. Severe labour like pains. At full term a child was born not larger than a cat. Heat and fulness through hip region. Inflammation of vaginal walls over internal and external labia which resulted in an enormous abscess.

Respiratory Organs: Breathing laborious. Frothy cough with mucus in trachea and bronchi as in rabies. Collection of mucus in larynx and fauces occurs while respiration. Tickling sensation in larynx and fauces cause desire to cough, but cough wont occurs. Voice had a strange sound in ears.

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