Talks too much about social matters. Talks all the time and inclination to laugh.

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Product Details

Mind: Talks too much about social matters. Talks all the time and inclination to laugh.

Head: Pressure and heaviness in lower part of occipital region after lying down. Headache as from contraction or expansion of brain. Heaviness and pressure in head with lancinating pain in forehead and temples. Violent headache felt only when standing or walking. Tension of scalp. Vertigo with giddiness and staggering when walking in the open air. Drawing pain in left temple region while sitting and cease when walking or standing. Tearing pain in occipital region.

Eyes: Burn in left eyeball. Inflammation of eyes with lachrymation and photophobia. Nocturnal agglutination of lids. Pain in eyes, as if a grain of sand were in internal canthusburning sensation, and burning shootings in eyes.

Ears: Shootings in ears. Drawing pain in external ear. loss of sight in evening.

Throat: Dryness, shootings and bitter mucus in the throat. Hawking up of acid mucus. Sore throat with pressive pain from internal swelling.

Appetite: Tobacco smoke is disagreeable and it causes burning sensation in chest and interrupts respiration. Great chilliness after drinking or eating. Bitter taste in mouth with natural taste of food. Salt or acid taste of food, especially of butter and of meat.

Stomach: Bitter eructation due to fatty foods with anxiety and pressive headache. Better by in open air.

Abdomen: Grumbling sensation and abnormal movements in abdomen as if bubbles were bursting in it. Pinching sensation in abdomen. Pressive and shooting pain in abdomen and at sides of abdomen especially at left side of abdomen.

Stool: Voluptuous itching in perineum. Inefficient urging to go to stool.

Fever: Heat at night on waking especially on face and hands. Violent sweat at night mostly before midnight. Chilliness especially after eating and drinking. Chilliness and shivering all over the body with pressive type of headache. Chill in open air.

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