It is one of the indicated remedies to influence the endocrine system especially for thyroid gland and adrenaline gland. Most horrible neuralgic, spasmodic, shooting pains and Muscular atrophy.

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Product Details

It is one of the indicated remedies to influence the endocrine system especially for thyroid gland and adrenaline gland. Most horrible neuralgic, spasmodic, shooting pains and Muscular atrophy. Tremors. Relieves the violent pains in locomotor ataxia. Paralysis of lower limbs. Pain in stomach and bowels, like electric shocks. Paraplegia. Falling of hair leads to acute and exhausting diseases. Severe perspiration occurs especially at night. Weakness, numbness and pain from nerve damage, usually in the hands and feet. Dermal trophic lesions.

Urine: Paralysis of bladder. Pain while passing urine.

Extremities: Formication beginning in fingers and extending through pelvis, Perineum and inner thighs to feet. Trembling. Paralytic feeling. Lancinating pain especially like electric shocks. Very tired all the time. Chronic muscle pain. Numbness in fingers and toes, with extension up lower extremities, involving lower abdomen and perineum. Paralysis of lower limbs. Cyanosis of extremities.

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