It has affinity for the tubercular diathesis. Vertigo, sick headache. Peculiar pain around heart region. Scrofula have all been treated successfully with this remedy. Sensitive to noise.
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Product Details
It has affinity for the tubercular diathesis. Vertigo, sick headache. Peculiar pain around heart region. Scrofula have all been treated successfully with this remedy. Sensitive to noise. Penetrates the body especially teeth. Noises seem to strike on painful spots over the body. Caries, Necrosis of parts in body. Nervous and abnormal increase in sensitivity to stimuli of the sense.
Mind: Restlessness. Finds pleasure in nothing. Time passes too quickly.
Head: Pain worse at walking over floor. Vertigo with nausea and vomiting on least motion especially when closing eyes.
Eyes: Pressure behind eyeballs. Throbbing pain over left eye. Luminous vibrations before eyes. Sensitive to light.
Nose: Discharge from nose yellowish, thick, offensive nasal discharge.
Stomach: Burning in liver region due to seasickness. Nausea and vomiting when closing eyes and on motion. Stinging pain on left side over anterior aspect of spleen.
Respiratory: Pain in upper left chest. Pain in left floating ribs. Cardiac anxiety and pain. Pinching in left pectoral muscle.
Back: Avoids pressure on spine. Sensitiveness between vertebrae. Stinging pain over back.
Modalities: Worse due to touch, pressure, on shipboard, riding in carriage, when closing eyes, jar, noise, coitus, left side.