Thuja work for a wide variety of health conditions and it has been best known to treat skin infections and conditions like warts, dry skin, itching eruptions, fungal infection of nails and hemorrhoids.
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Product Details
Thuja work for a wide variety of health conditions and it has been best known to treat skin infections and conditions like warts, dry skin, itching eruptions, fungal infection of nails and hemorrhoids. It is beneficial in the case of warts called as cauliflower warts. It is also effective in menstrual problems. It is specific for the urinary troubles from gonorrheal infections. It is helpful in treating chronic respiratory troubles and chronic sinusitis. It is also a good remedy for nasal polyp.
It mainly acts on skin, blood, gastro-intestinal tract, kidneys, and brain. It is clinically indicated for condylomatas, warty excrescences, spongy tumors, moist mucous tubercles, bleeding fungus growths and moles.
Head: Headache especially on the left side with pain as if pierced by a nail. Attacks of neuralgic pains from tea. Hairfall with white, scaly dandruff and greasy skin of face.
Eyes: Headache from eye troubles. Inflammation of eyelids with agglutination at night and dry, scaly scabs. Inflammation of iris, styes, tarsal tumors, inflammation of sclera. Chronic and frequent scleritis with raised sclera in patches, and bluish-red appearance,
Ears: Chronic infection of the middle ear with purulent discharges. Cracking sounds while swallowing. Polypi of the ears.
Nose: Chronic infection and inflammation of the nasal mucosa with thick, green mucus mixed with blood and pus. Pain in the teeth while blowing the nose. Dry nasal cavity with ulcers within the nostrils and painful pressure at the root of the nose.
Stomach: Total loss of appetite with aversion to meat, onions and potatoes. Sour eructations after taking fatty foods with cutting pain in the epigastrium. Distension of abdomen with gas with pain after food and sinking feeling in the epigastrium before food.
Urinary: Inflammation of urethra with urine in split streams. Sensation of dribbling and severe cutting pains after urinating. Frequent but painful urination with sudden, uncontrollable urge. Paralysis of the urethral sphincter.
Male: Pain and inflammation of prepuce and glans penis. Prolonged induration of testicles. Prostatic enlargement with frequent and urge to urinate with pain at the neck of bladder.
Female: Very sensitive vagina with warty excrescences on vulva and perineum. Profuse thick and greenish discharges. Inflammation and pain in the left ovary and left inguinal region. Scanty menses and retarded. Fleshy excrescences and polyps. Increased perspiration before menses.
Skin: Fleshy polyps, tubercles, warts, epithelioma, moles, boils, ulcers, especially in the perineal region. Skin dotted with freckles and blotches. Sweetish and strong smelling sweats. Glandular enlargement with tearing pains. Deformed and crippled nails which are brittle and soft. Eruptions on covered parts and very sensitive to touch. Coldness of one side.
Modalities: Worse, at night, from heat of bed, from cold, damp air, after breakfast, fat, coffee and vaccination. Better on the left side and while drawing up a limb.
Other symptoms are also found in:
- Mind
- Mouth
- Abdomen
- Sleep
- Fever
- Respiratory
- Extremities