When symptoms are constantly changing and well selected remedies fail to improve, and cold is taken from the slightest exposure.

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When symptoms are constantly changing and well selected remedies fail to improve, and cold is taken from the slightest exposure. Diarrhoea in children running for weeks. Bluish pallor with exhaustion. Mentally deficient children. Enlarged tonsils. Skin affections with acute articular rheumatism. Very sensitive, mentally and physically. General exhaustion. Nervous weakness. It is good remedy to treat incipient tuberculosis. Especially adapted to the light complex person. Patient always tired. Motion causes intense fatigue. Aversion to do work. Wants constant changes.

Mind: Depressed, melancholy. Fear of dogs. Animals especially. Desire to use foul language, curse and swear. Contradictory person with mania and melancholia. Insomnia and abnormal deep sleep. Irritable, especially when awakening.

Head: Subject to deep brain headaches and intense neuralgias. Everything seems strange. Intense pain, as of an iron band around head. Inflammation meningal layer.

Ears: Persistent and offensive discharge. Perforation in membrane tympani with ragged edges.

Stomach: Desire for cold milk. Aversion to meat. All gone sensation at stomach. Always feel hungry sensation.

Abdomen: Early morning sudden diarrhoea. Stools dark brown, offensive discharge with much force.

Female: Benign mammary tumours. Menses too early, too profuse, long lasting. Absence of menses. Pains increase with the establishment of the flow.

Respiratory: Shortness of breath with watery mucus. Sensation of suffocation, even with plenty of fresh air. Longs for cold air. Difficulty breathing in children. Hard, hacking cough, profuse sweating and loss of weight. Rattling mucus all over chest. Deposits begin in apex of lungs. Enlarged tonsils. Hard, dry cough during sleep. Expectoration thick, with easy and profuse.

Back: Chilliness between shoulders or up the back. Tension in nape of neck and down spine.

Skin: Itching intensely. Worse at night. Acne in tuberculous children. Measles with psoriasis. Chronic itchy inflammation.

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