It is indicated for fever and infections with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness.
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Product Details
It is indicated for fever and infections with extreme coldness, blueness, and weakness. It is useful in treating post-operative shock with cold perspiration on the forehead, violent retching, vomiting and cramps in extremities.
Mind: Sadness of mind with stupor, mania and indifference. Extreme mental excitement, puerperal mania, delusional with desire to cut and tear things with delirium driving to madness.
Head: Very pale face with cold perspiration on forehead with sensation of ice on vertex. Headache with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Eyes: Dark rings around the eyes with staring and dilated pupils. Increased lachrymation with redness and heaviness of the eyelids..
Face: Sunken eyes with pale face and coldness of tip of the nose and face. Pain like tearing in the cheeks, temples, and eyes.
Mouth: Pale, cold tongue with cool sensation, as from a peppermint with salty saliva. Teeth feels heavy with pain.
Stomach: Excessive appetite with thirst for cold water which gets vomited as soon as swallowed. Dislikes warm food. Profuse vomiting and nausea after drinking and least motion. Desires fruit, juicy, cold things, ice and salt.
Abdomen: Empty and cold feeling in stomach and abdomen. Pain preceding stool followed by cramps in abdomen and legs. Pressure in the abdomen with severe colic.
Rectum: Inactivity of rectum, with constipation and headache. Large stools, difficult with much straining and cold sweat. Very painful diarrhea of watery, copious stools followed by great exhaustion. Constipation in infants and babies.
Respiratory: Hoarseness of voice with rattling in chest. Increased mucus with coarse rales from chronic bronchitis. Cough loud and barking followed by eructation and urine leaks when coughing. .
Heart: Irregular pulse and palpitation with anxiety and loud breathing. Heart trubles withliver affections.
Female: Flow too early and profuse with severe pain, coldness, cold perspiration and prostration. Increased sexual desire before menses.
Extremities: Sore, painful and sensitive joints. Sharp shock like pains in sciatica with cramps in the calves. Neuralgic pains in the arms which feels swollen, cold and paralytic.
Skin: Pale, blue, cold, clammy with cold sweat. Wrinkled skin of hands and feet.
Fever: Fever with severe chills, with extreme coldness, tiredness and thirst.
Modalities: Worse, at night; wet, cold weather. Better, walking and warmth.