It has deep action on the inferior maxillary branch of the fifth pair of the cranial nerves especially for ear, and respiratory tract and bladder.

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It has deep action on the inferior maxillary branch of the fifth pair of the cranial nerves especially for ear, and respiratory tract and bladder. Quiet nervous, bronchial, and urinary irritation, and cough.

Face: Talking, sneezing, and change of temperature aggravate the pains, also, pressing teeth together. Pains seem to come in flashes, excited by least movement, occurring periodically at same hour in morning and afternoon each day. Neuralgia affecting zygomate, temporo maxillary joint, and ear, particularly of left side, with lachrymation, coryza, and sensation as if parts were crushed with tongs.

Head: Heaviness of head, with dull pain. Pinching in temples. Deep, stupefying stitches in brain Stupefying shooting in temples. Resonance in head, when walking. Dullness and confusion in the head. Vertigo when pressing one cheek while supporting the head, sudden as from pressure on whole head. Headache, with forcing outwards at forehead. Pressive, stupefying headache, principally in forehead, or semilateral, and mostly when passing from a warm into a cold temperature.

Nose: Profuse coryza from frontal sinuses, with hot, burning, profuse lachrymation. Sensation of stoppage of larynx and ears.

Ears: Deafness. Dry, scaly condition of meatus. Inflammation of ear with a sense of obstruction.

Respiratory: Cough will be worse at night. Asthma. Soreness in pharynx, cough during sleep.

Urinary: Constant dribbling. Burning urination. Increase with pressure in bladder.

Females:Sexual dreams.

Modalities: Worse after change of temperature, talking, sneezing, biting hard.

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