Viscum album CH is a very useful remedy in cases of heart diseases, joint pains, epilepsy, chorea, asthma, spinal pains, valvular heart diseases, metrorrhagia, gout, neuralgia, nervous disorders with convulsions, etc.
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Product Details
Viscum album CH is a very useful remedy in cases of heart diseases, joint pains, epilepsy, chorea, asthma, spinal pains, valvular heart diseases, metrorrhagia, gout, neuralgia, nervous disorders with convulsions, etc. It helps in cases of lowered blood pressure.
It is a very useful remedy in cases of heart diseases, joint pains, nervous disorders with convulsions. It helps in cases of lowered blood pressure.
Head: Constant sensation of fainting, feels as if the top of the head is being lifted up. Disturbances in the sense of vision and hearing, with blue circles around the eyes. Constant twitching of the facial muscles.
Respiratory: Difficulty in breathing with a feeling of suffocation when lying on left side. Spasmodic cough with difficult, labored breathing.
Female: Uterine haemorrhages with bright red blood and clots. Menstrual complaints at the tie of menopause, with shooting and tearing pains from sacrum to pelvis. It is useful in case of retained placenta, chronic inflammation of uterus with profuse bleeding and neuralgic pain in the left ovary. Pain in the spine, from uterine complaints.
Heart: Enlargement of heart with valvular insufficiency and lowered blood pressure. Weak pulse with sensation of weight and oppression of the chest and dyspnoea. Palpitation during sexual intercourse.
Extremities: Pains in the joints with nodosities, painful movements and odematous swelling of the extremities. Pains alternate in the knee and ankle with shoulder and elbow. Neuralgic pains in both thighs and upper extremities. Intermittent pains from sacrum to pelvis which gets worse in bed, with pains extending to thighs and upper extremities. Sensation of a spider crawling on the back of hand and foot with itching all over the body.
Modalities: Worse during winter, cold and stormy weather and in bed.