This remedy has a marked effect on the throat especially inflammation of the pharynx with burning sensation. Irritation and dryness of throat from overuse of voice, especially in singers and speakers.
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Product Details
This remedy has a marked effect on the throat especially inflammation of the pharynx with burning sensation. Irritation and dryness of throat from overuse of voice, especially in singers and speakers. It is useful in treating haemorrhoids, inflammation of nasal mucosa with tickling sensation in the posterior nares.
Head: Mind nervous restlessness with depression. Dizziness with rush of blood to head and sharp pains in the forehead.
Mouth: Burning and heat in the mouth with dryness, feels as if scalded with sensation of heat down the oesophagus. Itching of the palate.
Throat: Frequent clearing and hemming but no relief from clearing. Inflammation and congestion of the throat with dry, burning sensation and difficulty in swallowing. Constant desire to swallow as a result of inflammation of uvula.
Stomach: Sensation of weight in the abdomen with flatulence. Belching alternates with hiccups. Pain below ribs over the liver region.
Stool: Dark, loose stools at night with itching of anus and constipation with haemorrhoids.
Respiratory: Spasmodic dry, hacking cough, from tickling of the throat. Burning sensation in the larynx and bronchi. Hoarseness of voice from talking or singing with dryness and heat of the throat.
Female: Pain in the uterus and left ovary, shooting down to knee.
Extremities: Pain in the back which extends to the coccyx. Pain in the right arm with stiffness of wrist and hand.
Fever: Fever with chills at 11 am with thirst for cold water during chills and thirstlessness during heat. Increased perspiration with headaches at night.