It has a specific action on the nervous system, salivary glands and mucous membranes. It is indicated for partial paralysis, painful haemorrhages, after-pains, neuralgic pains during menses, and rheumatic affections.
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Product Details
It has a specific action on the nervous system, salivary glands and mucous membranes. It is indicated for partial paralysis, painful haemorrhages, after-pains, neuralgic pains during menses, and rheumatic affections. Slow capillary circulation with indigestion and poor assimilation, sleeplessness with occipital headache.
Mind: Nervous, fearful with depression of mind.
Head: Heaviness and fullness of head with sensation of weight and pain on vertex. Pain and pressure over eyes in the forehead with throbbing pressure over nose and ringing in ears, Occipital headache with dizziness and flatulence.
Face: Dryness of mouth and throat with congestion and burning. Neuralgic pains in the lower jaw.
Abdomen: Diarrhea with griping colic in the abdomen. Dysentery with flatulence and intense urging.
Female: Neuralgic pains during menses which is too early and painful. Neuralgic pains in the ovary, with pain extending to loins and lower abdomen down to the thigh. Painful menses with neuralgic, occipital headache. Menses thick and dark with white discharges during menses.
Respiratory: Loss of voice and dry cough, with constant desire to take a deep breath due to oppression of chest.
Extremities: Restriction of movements and numbness on the left side following spinal disorders. Pain in nape of the neck extending down the back. Sciatic pains worse in hot weather with pain in the legs. Shooting pain, like electric shock all over limb.
Sleep: Sleeplessness with nervous exhaustion.