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INDICATIONS: For leucorrhoea, vaginal discharge and other related female problems

ADEL-15(FLUOFIN) drops are a well proved drops for leucorrhoea (Vaginal dischagre) and female related other problems

COMPOSITION: Acidum sulfuricum 4x, Calcium fluoratum 8x, Helonias dioica 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 10x, Kreosotum 6x, Lamium album 1x, Pulsatilla 6x

Acidum sulfuricum is a well proven material for women, suffering from acrid, burning leucorrhoea and bleeding vaginal mucous, in combination to climacteric states and weakness in general.

A second material for milky vaginal discharge is Calcium fluoratum mostly combined with pain in the breast. The remedy is one of the best for lymphatic drainage and heals any inflammatory processes in the body in a reliable manner.

The remedy for overstressed and exhausted women is Helonias dioica. It cures several uterine troubles with pains in the back and pelvic bones. Such ladies are unstable in their mood, but feel good if they are busy.

Hydrastis canadensis adresses its efficacy to all mucous membranes and is a very effective matter for chronic catarrhs. It is proved and certificated for yellow thick, viscid, stringy leucorrhoea and also leucorrhoea during menopause.

Kreosotum heals inflammation in the uterine and vaginal area with offensive, sharp and yellow coloured discharge, itching and burning pains.

An old, historic well known healing plant for vaginal discharge is Lamium album. The plant is found in all regions of Europe and has a special affinity for female organs – uterus, vagina, ovaries etc. and the urinary organs.

A specific healing matter for women is Pulsatilla. The famous plant works on all parts of the body and is preeminently a female remedy with mild, gentle yielding disposition. It affects all the mucous membranes that have thick, bland and yellowish-green discharge.

RECOMMENDED DOSAGE: (Unless otherwise prescribed)
Adults 20 drops, 3 times a day in some liquid before meals.

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