It is well known and documented that a correct composition of calcium in the blood is an absolute necessity for vital processes of the human body. Calcium is a macronutrient that affects virtually everything – our skin, bones, teeth, heart, kidneys, liver, and other organs. For children, the mineral is all the more important to maintain and facilitate growth and development. It is therefore important that a deficiency in calcium composition be corrected promptly and efficiently.

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It is well known and documented that a correct composition of calcium in the blood is an absolute necessity for vital processes of the human body. Calcium is a macronutrient that affects virtually everything – our skin, bones, teeth, heart, kidneys, liver, and other organs. For children, the mineral is all the more important to maintain and facilitate growth and development. It is therefore important that a deficiency in calcium composition be corrected promptly and efficiently.

Calcium can be adequately ingested and absorbed by a well-balanced and nutritious diet. It is only when the diet is lacking in healthy foodstuffs that a deficiency of calcium results. Natural sources of calcium are plenty and easily available. Most notable is milk. Milk and milk products form an essential part of a balanced diet and they are simply irreplaceable. For children, milk is of the utmost importance to maintain healthy growth.

There are other sources of calcium also. Apart from milk, curd and cheese, non-dairy products too contain calcium in significant amount. Cabbage, broccoli and spinach are some of these. Sea food is also a notable source. Almonds and fox nuts can also be included in the diet to maintain adequate calcium proportion. Oranges are also a good source of the same. Beans, tofu, figs are some other mentionable sources of this mineral. 

A deficiency of calcium manifests in many ways. Muscle cramps and spasms become common. Even relatively lighter activity causes fatigue, cramps and muscle soreness. Tingling can be felt in the hands and feet. Numbness may also occur in extreme deficiencies. As muscles require calcium to function, low levels cause quick fatigue and exhaustion develops as the day progresses. Skin may become dry and scaly. Teeth become loose and caries may develop. In children severe deficiency of calcium manifests as rickets. Rickets is easily avoidable if dietary levels of calcium are maintained. Other signs and symptoms that occur in severe calcium deficiency are abnormal heart rhythm, seizures, confusion and even memory loss.

Apart from dietary intake of calcium, a deficiency can be replenished by an adequate calcium supplement. These supplements provide calcium that can be easily assimilated, and normal levels can be maintained this way. The homeopathic medicine for calcium deficiency is Calciokind by Schwabe India. Calciokind uses the properties of its constituent homeopathic remedies to not only replenish a lack of calcium levels but also to improve calcium metabolism in the body. With use of this medicine the body becomes better able to absorb, assimilate and utilize calcium. 

The constituents of Calciokind are:

  • Calcarea carb 3x – known primarily for its action on calcium metabolism, and on the bones and connective tissues.
  • Calcarea fluorica 3x – significant action on bones and teeth and calcium metabolism in general.
  • Calcarea phosphorica 3x – well known for its affinity to regulate calcium metabolism and improve growth and development, especially in children.
  • Sulphur iodatum 4x – signs and symptoms arising from a deficiency of calcium are efficiently tackled by this remedy.


Dosage – Generally, two tablets are taken thrice a day. For children, the dose is usually halved. 

It is better to take the advice of a homeopathic physician to achieve the best results. Calciokind has no known side effects. With the use of this remedy and proper dietary attention one can maintain healthy calcium metabolism and enjoy strong bones and teeth.

Dosage:  Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, it can be given 2 tablets 3 times a day.

Side effects :  No side effects of Calciokind  are known.

Contra-indications :  No contra-indications for the use of Calciokind   are known.

Interactions :  No interactions between Calciokind   and other products are known.

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