Allergies are common and frequently seen, more so during summer and spring months. However, no weather or season is exempt from developing this exaggerated immune response. It is not uncommon for children to develop allergies. Indeed, with time the incidence of allergic ailments is appearing to be increasing, and the problem causes significant distress among all age groups.
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Allergies are common and frequently seen, more so during summer and spring months. However, no weather or season is exempt from developing this exaggerated immune response. It is not uncommon for children to develop allergies. Indeed, with time the incidence of allergic ailments is appearing to be increasing, and the problem causes significant distress among all age groups.
Allergic rhinitis is perhaps the most commonly seen allergy among children. Children develop an exaggerated immune response to seemingly trivial allergens (allergy-inducing agents) in their environment. These allergens could be anything – often they are the soft toys, pet hair, fluffy blankets, pollen, dust or other agents. It is often difficult to pinpoint exactly what is the causative factor for a child’s allergies.
These trivial agents lead to highly distressing symptoms – a constantly running nose which is often accompanied by watery and itching eyes, a blocked nose and a difficulty in breathing. Other symptoms like pain in throat and ears, snoring while sleeping and even weakness may be seen. These allergic attacks are often quite frequent. This leads to a continued chain of sickness, and very often the child is unable to fully recover from a previous bout when the next starts. As a consequence, growth and development of the child may suffer. She may be underweight and appear slighter than her peers. Often these children are unable to thrive as expected. Loss of school may also become regular.
It is important to manage allergic ailments in children so as to ensure that they grow in the best of health. Homeopathic remedies are well known to have an exceptionally good command on children’s ailments. Allergies are, similarly, efficiently managed by homeopathy. The utility of homeopathic medicine for allergies is that these medicines act at the root level to eradicate not only the allergic response but the allergic tendency altogether. Allergic tendencies are often familial, and such familial traits can be controlled by homeopathy.
Luffakind homeopathic medicine is a beneficial aid for children suffering from allergies. Manufactured by Schwabe India, it is a combination of three homeopathic remedies well documented to have healing effect on allergies. Luffakind efficiently counters the distressing symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Regular intake of this medicine also helps in strengthening the immune system so that with time the frequency of allergic attacks is greatly reduced.
The constituents of Luffakind homeopathic remedy are:
- Luffa operculata 4x
- Galphimia glauca 3x
- Cardiospermum halicacabum 3x
Luffakind is especially suited to allergic problems in children. The dosage and combination have been formulated in such a way that children benefit to the best extent. Also, Luffakind has no side effects or adverse reactions and thus is perfectly safe for children.
The medicine is generally taken in liquid form by dissolving fifty globules in half a cup of normal water and taking frequent sips of it. Five to ten granules can also be taken directly under the tongue every hour. The advice of a qualified homeopathic practitioner can help to get the best results out of homeopathic medicines. Luffakind can thus help a child suffering from allergies to live a healthier and happier life.
Dosage : Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, in acute stage dissolve approximately 50 globules in half a glass of water and drink it in small sips or let 5-10 granules every hour dissolve underneath the tongue. It is preferable to take the medicine on empty stomach or half an hour before taking any food. If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.
Side effects : No side effects of LuffakindTM are known.
Contra-indications : No contra-indications for the use of LuffakindTM are known.
Interactions : No interactions between LuffakindTM and other products are known.