Infants can often experience the ill effects of severe rhinitis with stuffy nasal congestion making it difficult for the child to breathe freely.

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Infants can often experience the ill effects of severe rhinitis with stuffy nasal congestion making it difficult for the child to breathe freely. 

The conventional clinical treatment for sinusitis and nasal congestion involves the usage of anti-infection agents and invasive medical procedures combined with decongestants, analgesics, antitussives, water system, and cortisone nasal splashes.  

Most people choose such options because they think these are the only options available. Whereas, homeopathy can treat it without any surgical involvement. There are, in fact, several cases where homeopathy has successfully cured even the most chronic cases. 

For those who have been mainly reliant on conventional medicine, here is the intro what homeopathy is. The Homeopathic Alternative therapy is a characteristic clinical framework that uses incredibly little dosages of substances from the plant, mineral, or animals to enhance an individual's standard immunity.  

In addition to this, homeopathy also works wonder in restraining the side effects of the conventional medicines that a patient might be suffering from. They have proven efficacy when given to combat the overdoses or occurrence of symptoms due to toxic drugs. 


Luffa Operculata: It is a homeopathic medication for resolution for hypersensitive rhinitis. It effectively cures inflammations in the nasal segment that cause wheezing. Watery nasal discharge with watery eyes, troublesome breath and suffocative cough, can be alleviated with this homeopathic medicine. It, in general, improves the resilience of the newborn children towards cold and hypersensitivities.  

Sambucus Nigra: It acts mainly on the respiratory organs. It can treat snuffles in infants. Babies having troubles like suffocative cough around midnight and nasal congestion are quickly relieved with this medicine. It has proved to be effective in treating kids’ hyperactivity and problem in relaxing.  

Dosage :  Unless otherwise prescribed by the physician, it can be given to infants 1 globule 3 times a day and to children 3 globules 3 times a day.  If complaints are not relieved, consult a specialist.

Side effects :  No side effects of  RinikindTM are known.

Contra-indications :  No contra-indications for the use of  RinikindTM  are known.

Interactions :  No interactions between  RinikindTM  and other products are known.

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