Willmar Schwabe Germany Alfalfa Tonic

The road to recovery after a violent acute infection or even a chronic illness can be a long one. Even after the symptoms have subsided and the infection has cleared, the body can still feel the effect of the disease. Homeopathy, fortunately, offers a solution that enhances recovery and promotes better health in the form of the Alfalfa Tonic.

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Product Details

Alfalfa tonic stimulates and enhances metabolism. A person having a sluggish metabolism generally feels low on energy and does not have an adequate desire to eat. Alfalfa tonic smooths out this sluggish body metabolism and promotes hunger. This is not to say that it will make a person gain undue weight. This means that an efficient metabolism sets in after regular intake of this tonic so that a healthy body weight is better maintained. Children who complain of not being hungry and are generally poor eaters are greatly benefitted by this tonic. Regular intake of this remedy makes them better eaters and helps them gain adequate body weight as per their age.

Alfalfa tonic proves useful in cases of nervous weakness, lack of concentration, inability to focus, and low efficiency. It makes a person mentally alert, strong willed and better equipped to handle the challenges of life. As we know mental and physical health are co-dependent. A weak body drastically reduces the mental faculty of a person and an ill mind leads to physical illnesses. With the regular intake of Alfalfa tonic this relationship can be improved from both ends. A person feels mentally stronger and sharper and is able to use his mind (and body) more efficiently. 

As mentioned earlier, Alfalfa tonic is frequently prescribed by homeopaths for persons who have just been through a violent or exhausting illness. Weakness of the body after such an ordeal can be tackled by a nutritious diet supplemented by this tonic. It helps the person recover faster and more smoothly and they can go back to their routine quicker.

Diseases like typhoid, dengue fever, malaria, etc. are especially notorious in causing a long-standing weakness until much after they complete their course. Muscle and bone pains, headaches, a poor appetite, weakness and debility, and an inability to focus at work are all symptoms of this post-infection lethargy. Even latent diseases or viruses (like herpes zoster) can make a reappearance once the body has been weakened by a particularly strong infection. Such an attack can be prevented by the judicious use of Alfalfa tonic that not only provides strength after a severe illness but also helps people to get back to their normal life faster.

Dosage: Generally, one tablespoon is taken before meals, thrice a day. It is recommended that children take half this dose.
To sum up, Alfalfa tonic can be seen as a comprehensive and complete solution to multiple metabolism and health issues. This homeopathic tonic is a highly beneficial aid to achieve good mental and physical health and can be taken by young and old alike.

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